Hi Everyone, I want to move my home folder to a separate SSD.
Can anyone please help me with this, What is the command to do this?
Hi Everyone, I want to move my home folder to a separate SSD.
Can anyone please help me with this, What is the command to do this?
mv or cp (as you prefer)
I am pretty sure he means that he wants to move it permanent on another SSD. And to suggest using him the mv command is really really not a good advice. You can not MOVE (mv) your home folder to another SSD and expect everything to work fine after that. You can COPY (cp) it to another drive easy, like a backup.
If you want the home directory on another Drive, you have to do it when you install the system. Any other option to do it AFTER installation of the system is not a good idea. You can change the paths of you Music/Downloads/Pictures/Documents etc. folders.
You can remove the folders and symlink to them on your other drive where you want your home folder to be.
ln -sv /mnt/NEWSSD/Music /home/jaw6565/Music
rm -r ~/Music
of course change the path of /mnt/NEWSSD/ to which your SSD is mounted to. And do not forget to backup your stuff in those folders BEFORE you use the rm
If you want to migrate your /home to a different partition, you'll need to copy its contents to that partition then put an entry for it in /etc/fstab with the mountpoint /home.
Here's the how:
I find it more robust to keep the /home folder on the OS SSD and just have symlinks for my Documents, Pictures, Downloads, etc... folders to the HDD.
i second that. I do it the same way.
Let's keep it support focussed everyone. I've removed some posts that were not helpful for the user.
Justin Seriously? Don't you think you overreact a little bit here? Sigh... so am I allowed to post at all then? Can you link me to a FAQ or something where I can check which words are allowed and which not? I know the guidelines and what is "family friendly" ? It is a vague term and depends of the definition of one individual. Deleting posts because it has the word f**k in it and calling it "with that language" is really overreacting much tbh.. I am on the Internet longer than most are actually old here and I've never seen someone censor forum posts because of this particular word alone.
Also, all I wanted is to help here and it seems that isn't welcome here at all. I am fine with that, I can spend my time otherwise for sure, especially where not every sentence is censored because of very common expressions nowadays. It's 2019 after all.
Thanks, see you.