Is there a way to disable notifications (a.ka. toggle do not disturb) in Budgie either with a keyboard shortcut, or preferably a CLI command?

I say preferably a CLI command because ideally I'd be able to toggle notifications on/off via a script run by deckmaster as I start/stop recording a video with OBS Studio.

When using i3 window manager on other distros I'd use dunst for notifications, and was able to toggle pausing notifications via dunstctl, I'd like to do the same in Budgie if a all possible so that I never forget to do it before recording. 😃

4 days later

ianmjones I read the blogpost. The first sentence of that blog post was magically Seuss-ian.

That led to your Aug 6 post: "And then I switched to Solus." ---complex and fascinating reasons, I enjoy these stories. you went from I3 back to a 'traditional' desktop and you saw the Celtic Magic.
Bookmarked your site for future reading. I find your cli Monotype variant the right size and very friendly for reading. You take that font out of the cli and it looks like a modern Courier.