hardware is always possible but s.m.a.r.t. tests only say adequate or near death so I've never known how to read them.
someone 11 months ago had an error like this in his/her Deb build...I thought this was one of those fluke oddities.
the person trying to help said: "I also note the message mount: mounting /run at /root/run failed: No such file or directory. At that point, the initramfs script is trying to mount the /run tmpfs filesystem to /root/run i.e. what will be the real /run once the script switches away from initramfs to the real root filesystem. Maybe your root filesystem does not include an empty /run directory that would act as a mount point for the RAM-based tmpfs filesystem?"
the OP replied a while later: "after added an empty /run,The mount: mounting /run at /root/run failed: No such file or directory problem has been resolved. –
just a student
Commented Aug 30, 2023 at 3:42 "
don't know if solus is set up that way.
and to be honest out of a handful of articles I'm not seeing hardware as much as one-off oddities like that ^^ one.
I am naturally digitally-paranoid as most people should be, but I don't see any bad guys if that's what you are thinking.
LOTS of glitchy firefox forum posts lately so that's probably not connected....
...must also know that eopkg check
anything is going to throw some "broken" packages that are not broken. has to do with symlinks. crew working on it asfaik.