I install Solus Budgie 4.5 successful. After excute update command # eopkg update-repo, # eopkg install ibus-unikey and reboot.
After reboot, next login session stuck in login screen with password. (invalid password)
How can I solve the problem ?
Cannot login Solus Budgie 4.5 after update respitory
- Best Answerset by ltrankhanh
Please do a full upgrade before installing any packages after fresh install.
sudo eopkg upgrade
If you do not do that it will cause mismatched dependencies. Now, that you already unfortunately did it, you can go TTY (Ctrl+Alt+F3) or chroot to your system using this guide to do a full upgrade.
ltrankhanh ibus-unikey
Sounds like that might've changed your input method. Try to go to a TTY as @alfisya suggested, and for a test type out your password in the username field to see if it displays the correct characters.
alfisya I repaired packages as you guide and it worked. Thank you.