Also for context, I've been running Solus for YEARS, and this laptop (Dell XPS from 3 years ago) has had the same Solus install since I got it, and only reinstalled just now because my wifi drivers died, and nothing obvious solved it, where the USB Boot had wifi fully working, and now after the reinstall wifi still works, so progress!
Staudey The rate limit error should be fixed by an update I coincidentally applied to the script just yesterday
When's the last time you tried it?
Just tried it and got:
unpack: check file hash failed
As for the control panel
Staudey So it just auto-closes, or does it freeze and you have to terminate it?
Budgie control panel just doesn't open, at all, visually speaking. Regardless of which way I start it. The process runs and I can see it if I do ps aux | grep budgie-control-center
. Even the 'sound' and other panels show up as processes if I try an open them directly.
New wrinkle: Slack doesn't work (I only just tried it, so for this install it 'never' worked).
sudo journalctl -g slack
logs show (cut down to avoid duplicate stack traces):
Stack trace of thread 7:
#0 0x00007fe83c111906 n/a ( + 0x95906)
#1 0x00007fe83c11421e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9821e)
#2 0x00005569ad58f266 n/a (slack + 0x5ec5266)
#3 0x00005569ad5b919a n/a (slack + 0x5eef19a)
#4 0x00005569ad5320c5 n/a (slack + 0x5e680c5)
#5 0x00005569ad4ef647 n/a (slack + 0x5e25647)
#6 0x00005569ad557521 n/a (slack + 0x5e8d521)
#7 0x00005569ad516b2e n/a (slack + 0x5e4cb2e)
#8 0x00005569ac0e1af9 n/a (slack + 0x4a17af9)
#9 0x00005569ad58fad1 n/a (slack + 0x5ec5ad1)
#10 0x00007fe83c11541e n/a ( + 0x9941e)
#11 0x00007fe83c18cd04 __clone ( + 0x110d04)
Stack trace of thread 1:
#0 0x00007fe83c111906 n/a ( + 0x95906)
#1 0x00007fe83c11421e pthread_cond_wait ( + 0x9821e)
#2 0x00005569ad58f266 n/a (slack + 0x5ec5266)
#3 0x00005569ad5b919a n/a (slack + 0x5eef19a)
#4 0x00005569ad5320c5 n/a (slack + 0x5e680c5)
#5 0x00005569ac1e123c n/a (slack + 0x4b1723c)
#6 0x00005569b159bf04 n/a (slack + 0x9ed1f04)
#7 0x00005569b003470a n/a (slack + 0x896a70a)
#8 0x00005569b003a9ba n/a (slack + 0x89709ba)
#9 0x00005569ae9ab3e1 n/a (slack + 0x72e13e1)
#10 0x00005569ad53552f n/a (slack + 0x5e6b52f)
#11 0x00005569ad556d86 n/a (slack + 0x5e8cd86)
#12 0x00005569ad4ef60c n/a (slack + 0x5e2560c)
#13 0x00005569ad557521 n/a (slack + 0x5e8d521)
#14 0x00005569ad516b2e n/a (slack + 0x5e4cb2e)
#15 0x00005569b15ab797 n/a (slack + 0x9ee1797)
#16 0x00005569a9dec606 n/a (slack + 0x2722606)
#17 0x00005569a9ded241 n/a (slack + 0x2723241)
#18 0x00005569a9dee60a n/a (slack + 0x272460a)
#19 0x00005569a9debf29 n/a (slack + 0x2721f29)
#20 0x00005569a9dec030 n/a (slack + 0x2722030)
#21 0x00005569a9aba538 n/a (slack + 0x23f0538)
#22 0x00007fe83c0a630e n/a ( + 0x2a30e)
#23 0x00007fe83c0a63c9 __libc_start_main ( + 0x2a3c9)
#24 0x00005569a96ac02a _start (slack + 0x1fe202a)
ELF object binary architecture: AMD x86-64
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:259:6596
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:259:6574
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:22:7178
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:9:34248
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:260:920
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at dispatch (/usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:4:57034)
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at (/usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:308:90421)
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:259:6596
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:259:6574
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:22:7178
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:9:34248
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at /usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:260:920
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at dispatch (/usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:4:57034)
Jul 26 09:58:53 excelsus slack.desktop[26539]: at (/usr/lib64/slack/resources/app.asar/dist/main.bundle.js:308:90421)