BuzzPCSOS That looks slightly strange, specifically:
Available Boot Loaders on ESP:
ESP: /boot (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/c00902bf-9665-4184-bd51-4123b308a4b3)
systemd-boot not installed in ESP.
Which should be something like:
Available Boot Loaders on ESP:
ESP: /boot (/dev/disk/by-partuuid/4d19e7fb-5040-4e2e-b675-f7a9f48740c6)
File: ├─/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi (systemd-boot 251)
Not that concerning if your system uses the fallback option (which it does, seeing as you're on the latest kernel). I don't think there's any way to fix it, as clr-boot-manager would have fixed it if that were the case. The following command should provide some information into that:
sudo env CBM_DEBUG=1 clr-boot-manager update
Note that you can paste code in triple backticks (```
) followed by a newline, ended by a newline followed by triple backticks.
Edit: Tried the space bar at boot but all that happened was it beeped a lot.
You can try forcing the menu to always show by running:
sudo clr-boot-manager set-timeout 5
This can be disabled by passing 0
instead of 5
when you don't want to see the menu anymore.