I want a wallpaper slideshow on my Budgie desktop, and I know that Variety works. But the problem is that Variety picks up the picture modes (scaled, stretched, fullscreen, etc) from the desktop settings. Most of my pictures look silly stretched. So how do I change my desktop settings to have my wallpaper scaled, not full screen?
Or is there a better wallpaper slideshow program?

  • I used Variety for years, nothing wrong with their pictures or their scaling, never seen a single low res pic or grain or size issue.
    That said I have no idea the source quality of your own pictures...unsure you will get the granular detail of scaling you require in budgie/settings/display however Variety might offer minor scaling as well.
    What's the program that will manager your particular pictures the best? No clue.
    Will be trial and error.
    This article https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-linux-wallpaper-changer/ lists:
    Wallch, Wallpaper Downloader, Shotwell, Webuilder, Wallpapoz, Wonderwall, Slidewall, Drapes, Komeribi, WallpaperTray, ---a nice afternoon at github!
    Which has the microlevel control you need is hard to tell.

    this also suggests you can get what you want with gnome-tweaks (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/652663/how-to-correct-the-size-of-gnome-desktop-wallpaper-image). If Variety goes by desktop settings then maybe luck

I used Variety for years, nothing wrong with their pictures or their scaling, never seen a single low res pic or grain or size issue.
That said I have no idea the source quality of your own pictures...unsure you will get the granular detail of scaling you require in budgie/settings/display however Variety might offer minor scaling as well.
What's the program that will manager your particular pictures the best? No clue.
Will be trial and error.
This article https://www.ubuntupit.com/best-linux-wallpaper-changer/ lists:
Wallch, Wallpaper Downloader, Shotwell, Webuilder, Wallpapoz, Wonderwall, Slidewall, Drapes, Komeribi, WallpaperTray, ---a nice afternoon at github!
Which has the microlevel control you need is hard to tell.

this also suggests you can get what you want with gnome-tweaks (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/652663/how-to-correct-the-size-of-gnome-desktop-wallpaper-image). If Variety goes by desktop settings then maybe luck

I've just installed it, and it seems to work. I haven't used Variety since back when I used Ubuntu Unity (and later Mate). I didn't need it with XFCE because that comes with its own wallpaper changer.
Thanks again!