Hi folks,
This is way off topic, but I'm looking for some recommendations for static site generators and website styling libraries. I've been talking for years about starting up a little dev blog, and I'd like to actually make good on all that talk. Maybe it's sunk-cost fallacy, but after paying for a domain for so long I'd like to actually use it 😄
I don't need much; just something that can host static content (text & images). I'll probably use Github Pages (or something similar) for the backend hosting, and just point my domain there.
In the past I've used Django and 11ty. Django seems really overkill for a simple blog. 11ty is probably closer to what I'm after, but I'm wondering if there are better options these days as web changes fast. As far as CSS goes, I've used both Bootstrap and Halfmoon UI.
What web frameworks & styling tools would you recommend?