Hello everyone!
I put together a Linux build with my own hands. I'm trying to make Bluetooth work.
I built and run bluez 5.76
. The service started without any problems. The wireless headphones were connected. But when you connect either the mouse or the keyboard, problems occur.
I was looking for similar problems and their solutions - I couldn't find anything. I attach the logs that I receive during the connection process:
[bluetooth]# pair 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF not available
[bluetooth]# pair 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
Attempting to pair with 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
[bluetooth]# hci0 device_flags_changed: 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF (BR/EDR)
[bluetooth]# supp: 0x00000001 curr: 0x00000000
[bluetooth]# hci0 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type BR/EDR connected eir_len 31
[CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Connected: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# hci0 new_link_key 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type 0x04 pin_len 0 store_hint 1
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Bonded: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Modalias: usb:v03F0p084Cd0200
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF UUIDs: 00001000-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF UUIDs: 00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF UUIDs: 00001200-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF ServicesResolved: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Paired: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# Pairing successful
hci0 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type BR/EDR disconnected with reason 2
[CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Connected: no
[bluetooth]# trust 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
[bluetooth]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Trusted: yes
[bluetooth]# Changing 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF trust succeeded
bluetooth]# trust 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
[bluetooth]# connect 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
Attempting to connect to 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF
[bluetooth]# hci0 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type BR/EDR connected eir_len 31
[CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Connected: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF ServicesResolved: yes
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.NotAvailable br-connection-profile-unavailable
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# hci0 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type BR/EDR disconnected with reason 2
[HP Bluetooth Mouse Z5000]# [CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF ServicesResolved: no
[CHG] Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF Connected: noh
Debugging writes this output:
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:connect_profiles() /org/bluez/hci0/dev_98_FD_B4_5A_5B_BF (all), client :1.69
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:connect_profiles() Resolving services for /org/bluez/hci0/dev_98_FD_B4_5A_5B_BF
bluetoothd[5461]: src/shared/mgmt.c:can_read_data() [0x0000] event 0x000b
bluetoothd[5461]: src/adapter.c:connected_callback() hci0 device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF connected eir_len 26
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:search_cb() 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF: No service update
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:device_svc_resolved() /org/bluez/hci0/dev_98_FD_B4_5A_5B_BF err 0
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:connect_profiles() /org/bluez/hci0/dev_98_FD_B4_5A_5B_BF (all), client :1.69
bluetoothd[5461]: src/shared/mgmt.c:can_read_data() [0x0000] event 0x000c
bluetoothd[5461]: src/adapter.c:dev_disconnected() Device 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF disconnected, reason 2
bluetoothd[5461]: src/adapter.c:adapter_remove_connection()
bluetoothd[5461]: plugins/policy.c:disconnect_cb() reason 2
bluetoothd[5461]: src/adapter.c:bonding_attempt_complete() hci0 bdaddr 98:FD:B4:5A:5B:BF type 0 status 0xe
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:device_bonding_complete() bonding (nil) status 0x0e
bluetoothd[5461]: src/device.c:device_bonding_failed() status 14
bluetoothd[5461]: src/adapter.c:resume_discovery()
Debugging via btmoni
is also available.
I've already started looking for a problem in the kernel, maybe I didn't specify the necessary parameters during the build?
The theme is off top. I am looking for the help of knowledgeable people.