MMUTFX2053 if i update ziglang to v0.12 manually by copying it to usr/bin, what will happen when the package manager updates zig ?
davidjharder It will replace the file you put there and not even tell you. It can't tell the difference between a file put there by the package manager, or a file with the same name that you replaced it with.
ReillyBrogan I'm currently in the process of updating LLVM to v18.1. As part of that we'll be updating ziglang to v0.12. Not sure when it will land for stable, might be next sync but if it misses that it'll probably be several more weeks since we need to freeze to start prepping updated ISOs.
WetGeek ReillyBrogan we need to freeze to start prepping updated ISOs. That sounds pretty exciting! The current crop are requiring a lot of updating after an installation by now. Will those new .ISOs be labeled 4.6?
MMUTFX2053 ReillyBrogan quick question, can we expect swiftlang at some point in time ? or is that too much of a hassle ?
davidjharder WetGeek Yes, this will be 4.6 However, for a large enough OpenCollective donation, we would consider releasing the ISOs simply as "Darryl"
ReillyBrogan MMUTFX2053 it would need someone to step forward to maintain it. Language runtimes and dev tools tend to take a decent amount of work to keep them updated on an ongoing basis. We'd need someone who uses swift frequently and is familiar with the idiosyncracies of it to maintain it so using it is a good experience on Solus.
MMUTFX2053 by the way, just as a tip for developers, i downloaded the linux version of the zed editor, its still in alpha but it is really amazing, looks so clean and works really well, i hope it gets added to solus repo's some day