
I'm wondering if other using Inkscape have experienced this:
I have the problem that if you apply effects to your image(s) it doesn't show up in Plasma 5 or 6. It works on any other DE's. Tested in Gnome, XFCE, Deepin, Mate and Budgie.

An example:
I put blur as shadow on my icon in Inkscape: It look like this:

When displayed in Plasma 5 or 6 it comes out like this:

I haven't checked it yet, but maybe it is not KDE but gwenview. Have you try opened it in different image viewer program? Maybe try eog or gthumb.


    The problem is that it's displayed like that in every QT related apps from Gwenview to Dolphin.

    5 days later

    I just got reply from a guy on Mastodon, that KDE only support v.1.0 of .svg formats, but they are trying to solve the problem.
    In the meantime I'm putting KDE icon themes on halt until further notice and focus on GTK based DE's. I'll still comes with updates to KDE/Plasma icon themes that are made.