Yes, strange. After upgrading the kernel yesterday, the f5/f6 keys didn't work to adjust keyboard backlight on my 2008 MacbookPro (4,1), but worked fine on the 2012 MacbookPro (9,2). Tried rebooting, turning off, reset PRAM and SMC and no change. Saw your message this morning on github and tried again, and f5/f6 keys work properly for keyboard backlight adjustment on the 2008 MBP as well. Argh.
I use a desktop program to adjust the keyboard backlight if the keys don't work - add an icon on your desktop with the following:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Keyboard Backlight
Comment=Adjust Keyboard Backlight - below is for 2008 Macbook Pro.
Exec=gedit admin:///sys/class/leds/smc::kbd_backlight/brightness
Click the icon, enter your password, and enter the backlight setting in gedit. The Macbook keyboard brightness ranges from 0-255.
Hope that helps.