Looking at the first week of 4.5's release, daily page hits have sky-rocketed. 👍

First thought with very few problems on the forum, I have to think the great effort by the Solus Team is resulting in "no problem here, carry on" installs.

Great work team, well done.

    craigtoyoracer Yes I am very pleased with the events of solus and I think alot
    of others are to.
    There seems to be some continuing issues that pop up in forum Maybe I should restate
    issues or operator error hard to tell sometimes

    This is just kinda in my mind maybe the Hardware platforms that solus is recommended for should
    be posted seems to me the spread is to great and thats where these issues arise.
    I know I am guilty of it to trying to use hardware forever sometimes.
    Something that I been thinking about.

    Just want tip my hat and say thank you to all of you that bring us Solus I finally feel halfway calm
    about finding a stable replacement for windows mac that will be around (at least for my time frame)

    Note: have done alot of updates and new installs of 4.5 getting close to my optimal setup for office
    No issues so far except for the Lenovo yoga fiasco (Thats kinda why the previous thing was on my mind)

    Ok done ramblin