Hi. I was wondering how can I replace default behaviour of <Super> keypress triggering App menu click with the
budgie-run-dialog popup.
Looking at the wm source code, it seems the experimental-enable-run-dialog-as-menu keyword (brought in by this commit) in gschema does that, but it doesn't seem so.
Anyone is able to help?

    Note: It is noticeably slower than Budgie Menu because the budgie-run-dialog is not running in the background, it literally launches every time you hit the super key, then has to load all the desktop files and render the UI before showing it. I don't really expect it to be a non-experimental feature until Budgie 11, or later (it was only meant for Bryan 😃 so not a big priority).

      • [deleted]

      • Edited

      JoshStrobl brainstorming could a workaround be to allow for a toggle that when pressing super key you only get the menu-search field but when clicking with mouse you get the entire menu?

        [deleted] Not really how Budgie Run Dialog works and I don't really have any interest in working on it until Budgie 11.