After three days of labor, my rig is up to par !!!! Solar installed with Mint 20 and Mint 21.
The Linux OSs welcome each other on an HDD, with operating OSs. In the meanwhile,
Mint 20 was still having issues with the network womanager; which resulted in me
breaking the OS. Too many modifications. I should add, Solus removed MicroGates7
from the bootloader. :<))
I reinstalled Mint 20 and den Mint 21, next to Solus. Then I discovered dat the Grubhub was
all messed up, as no HDD would boot. Oh dear, what have I done or undone ? The nightmare
was going to continue into a daymare. I call my old friend, Ronny Rescatux, whom said he
would arrive shortly, after break-fast. The first attempt failed, I lamented. Rescatux moved
to the second option, which should have been the first; perhaps it was the excess maple syrup
on his bits ?
I held my breath, as the rig bootied. Holey vaca, there it was, ALL THE BOOT OPTIONS !!!!!
I now have four Linux OSs and one MicroGates 7, on three HDDs. This was quite an experience [experepain?].
I did add to my knowledge base, despite the fact that my wife [wifi], was screaming at me to leave
the Linux bunker or she would give me Das Boot.! I assured her I would, after one more frontal attack.
PS: No HDD(s) were disconnected during this medical tech procedure.