• [deleted]

Hmm.. how to explain this!?

First, note that there is a New Folder folder inside the Screenshots folder inside the Pictures folder.

When I access the first level of folders from the Pictures folder, for example when I access the Screenshots folder, the Pictures folder expands in the Navigation pane. When I access the second level of folders from the Pictures folder, for example when I access the New Folder folder from the Screenshots folder, the Screenshots folder does not expand in the Navigation pane. Look at the arrows, they are all pointing down, they should have expanded, at least the Screenshots folder should have expanded because it contains the New Folder folder inside of it, but they are not. I don't know what's causing this.

I uninstalled Gwenview (and it's dependencies) and reinstalled it but the issue still persists.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Thank you!

  • WetGeek replied to this.
    • [deleted]

    • Best Answerset by TraceyC

    Hello everyone!

    So just like I said I would, some time ago I posted about this bug on the KDE Bugtracking System. I wasn't the first one to experience it, there were others as well. Well, I'm happy to report that the bug has been fixed now.

    Thank you everyone for your support! : )

    [deleted] Does anyone have any ideas?

    Sometimes when you want to uninstall something completely, you need to look for related stuff in your /home directory as well. Turn on "show hidden files" for your file manager, and check for things like .cache and .config. Often setting and configuration data are stored there, and eopkg won't delete anything from your /home directory.

    • [deleted]

    Hmm.. You're right, I know there's an option to remove the package and all associated settings but I did not use that. I'll check eopkg commands and try again. Thank you for the advice! \o

    • [deleted]

    I tried it my way: I removed Gwenview using sudo eopkg rm --purge gwenview, I did a reboot, I reinstalled Gwenview.
    I tried it your way: I removed Gwenview using sudo eopkg rm --purge gwenview, I searched and deleted all files and folders (including the hidden ones) which contained "gwenview" in their name, I did a reboot, I reinstalled Gwenview.

    Sadly the issue remains. : (

    What desktop environment are you using? (Budgie, Plasma, etc)

    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    Hello @TraceyC! I'm using Plasma.

    edit: It's alright, you don't have to wreck your brains to help me. In a few months I might earn some money and buy a new SSD and then I'll reinstall and everything will be good. : )

    This sounds like an upstream issue tbh. Have you checked to see if there's a bug report open for it?

    Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't able to confirm the issue on Gwenview on my Plasma install. Yesterday, however, I did see the same behavior in another file chooser window. Unfortunately I don't remember which application it was in. The problem went away after dismissing that window and re-opening it.

    (I think it was KWrite or Kate, but the problem is with that window type, not specific to Gwenview)
    With that said, it does seem like an upstream Plasma issue.

    • [deleted]

    • Edited

    Well.. since there are so very few reports on this I guess we should just wait and see. If it's an upstream issue then hopefully it will get fixed.

    At the moment I don't know where, which upstream I should check.

    edit: Thank you for taking the time to look into this @TraceyC and @ReillyBrogan!

    The KDE Bug tracker is here, you can search and see if there's already an open issue for this. If you want to report a new issue, take a look at their issue reporting guidelines.

    • [deleted]

    I see! I will do that! Thank you!

    2 months later
    • [deleted]

    • Best Answerset by TraceyC

    Hello everyone!

    So just like I said I would, some time ago I posted about this bug on the KDE Bugtracking System. I wasn't the first one to experience it, there were others as well. Well, I'm happy to report that the bug has been fixed now.

    Thank you everyone for your support! : )