I've been using VirtualBox for years, but I've seen so many references to virt-manager, I thought I'd give it a try. Most of the create-a-vm process is self-explanatory, but I'm having problems figuring out how to connect to a network.
It seems to me that virt-manager ought to be able to list the available connections, or automatically select the active one--as VirtualBox does--but it seems we must identify it by name. No worries, I can figure that out with an iwconfig
command in the terminal. But that doesn't work.
This host machine, running on Solus 4.5 Plasma had no problem connecting to my network using that connection, so a briged adapter should work fine, as it does with VirtualBox.
Then I tried to use NAT, but that resulted in another error. It required me to start a network for NAT, and that didn't work. The third option, Macvtap, I've never heard of, so I didn't even try that one.*
Is there any kind of safe setting for this feature that always works? What do others use with virt-manager?
*I tried it later, though. I got a waring that it won't work for host/VM connections.
And when I tried it anyway, this was the result: