While waiting for Solus to integrate GNOME Software and KDE Discover to manage all software source (including flatpak), I want to share a few apps I use to manage flatpaks and appimages. Here are those apps :

  1. Gear Lever : This is GUI app to manage all things appimage. Make desktop icon, placing on specific folder, uninstalling the app. This app available from Flathub. Ironic isn't it?

  2. Warehouse : Did you know when you did flatpak remove app.app.App, it doesn't remove all application data? Some user data is purposefully left over so that when user re-install, it just works again. With warehouse you can delete those data via nice graphical app. Available via Flathub .

  3. Flatseal : Sometime flatpak apps didn't set their permission correctly out-of-the-box. This help you with that. As always available on Flathub.

A few apps I didn't actually use but probably fit more of your needs:

  1. AppimagePool : Download and manage appimages.
  2. Immagini and PinIt : Integrate your appimages with your DEs.
  3. Flatsweep : Simple app to delete flatpak leftover data.
  4. jdFlatpakSnapshot : Create snapshot of your flatpak app to restore when something goes wrong.

Thats all. Hope this can be of help for someone. Cheers!

    alfisya Flatseal : Sometime flatpak apps didn't set their permission correctly out-of-the-box. This help you with that. As always available on Flathub.

    Users on Plasma no longer need Flatseal, it has that functionality built in.

    alfisya Yupe have had warehouse about a week I like it
    Flatseal forever and jdflatpaksnapshot didnt see much need for.

    But those are all great for dealing with flatpaks. My appimages are a mess..lol